Sunday, October 26, 2008

So... What?

I just realized that if my mission here is to lose 15 lbs, I should, perhaps be providing a little status update!

As I mentioned, I'm not going to be too concerned about the scale on a day to day basis, but on a weekly basis, at least, I should be seeing a few pounds coming off.

As of midday today (I hopped on after a shower), I'm at 176.5 - That does seem suspiciously low considering I was around 180-182 last weekend, however, I've been consistently around the 177 mark since about Wednesday, so I think it's legit.

So I'm down 5.5lbs, with 9.5 to go and about 7 weeks to get there, which should be cool... I'm going to try to get some more exercise tonight, and I'm finished eating for the day - around 1200 calories, if I'm feeling hungry at all tonight, I'll just drink water and/or have an apple...

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