Thursday, November 27, 2008

More Progress!

Had a decent day food-wise yesterday, clocked in around 1500 calories, no exercise (aside from my walks in the morning to the train and back), but my Wii Fit weight-in this morning came up as 172.8, so down almost another pound in two days which is good.

So I've now dropped almost 10 lbs since I started, which is a decent acheivement, now let's see if I can keep on cranking, get these last 5 off!

It's funny, in the Wii fit initial weigh-in screen, my line is still practically wedged up against the 'overweight' section of the BMI scale, it'd be nice to create a bit of breathing room there! :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Had a Good Day

I just need to take it one day at a time...

Yesterday was a good day.  Kept my intake to around 1,500 calories, logged it in SparkPeople, and did 30 minutes of Wii Fit last night, a mix of Aerobics, Balance Games, Yoga and Strength Training.

I didn't have time for a weigh-in this morning, so I'll have another good day today and we'll see if I'm down again tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Progress, not Perfection

I've been using SparkPeople on and off for a couple of years now, interesting to see the graph of my weight... Interesting to see the increase from July through to the end of 2007, In hindsight, I think that would of had to do with not being as active going into the winter months and working a lot of hours, thus not getting to the gym... and then I got things back under control... from Jan-March, that was really the last time, previous to this time that I decided to knock a few pounds off, my intention then was to get down to 175 by the kick-off of the TFC season... I think I came within 3 or 4 lbs of that goal... then stayed fairly consistent until this time around...

A little behind, but still on track...

Ok, so I've still down from my last weight in.

Had a good day yesterday food wise, clocked in around 1,500 calories, had a good 90+ minutes of indoor soccer last night, lots of running as we only had 7 guys out.

Weighed-in this morning, 173.7 on Wii Fit, 173.5 on my scale upstairs, so down about another pound over the last 10 days, which given the fact that I've not got a lot of exercise, and I've continued to enjoy myself on weekends, I'm totally Ok with.

This means I've now got 6.5 lbs to go in just over 2 weeks.  This would require me to be about 1,200 calories "to the good" each day, which is not realistic, but what I'll do is at least try to kick-up the exercise, try to get some really good cardio in, eat lots of healthy food, and we'll see where we end up!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Wow! 11 Days!

Ok, so I guess I've lost a bit of inertia here!

Due to a combination of factors I haven't been at the top of my game.

Don't get me wrong, I haven't been sitting on the couch eating chips and drinking beer for 10 days straight or anything, but I certainly haven't been executing on my complete strategy in order to acheive my goal.

So I've got 3 weeks left.   It's time to sprint to the finish.

I was in bed last night at a good hour, up at 6:30am this morning, did a little bit of yoga and stretching and pushups, and I've had a good breakfast and logged it in SparkPeople.  Tonight will be soccer, no plans to go out for beers afterwards, so it should be a really good day.  I'll get on the Wii and the scale tomorrow morning, log where I'm at and I'll know exactly what I've got to do and whether reaching the 167 mark by the 13th is still acheivable or not...

If not, no tears, I'll just drive as hard as I can TO that date, and then extend the effort for another week or two to arrive at the goal.  

I plan to be around for a LONG LONG time, so while I'd certainly like to reach my goal, a week or two in the grand scheme of things is neither here nor there.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Argh... Injured

Just my luck... I'm getting back into the groove, the weather was gorgeous tonight, I head off on a run, I'd gone not even a kilometer and I rolled my ankle, badly...

I was running along the sidewalk and came along a house with a big tree that had shed a tonne of yellow leaves, they formed a total carpet covering the sidewalk and stretching up onto the lawn and down over the boulevard to the road.

There was a car parked over the sidewalk so I had to run down across the boulevard, as I went to do that, there must have been a curb or they'd dug out a trench between the sidewalk and the grass or something but I went right over on my left ankle.

If anyone had their windows open, they were treated to a deluge of expletives.

Good thing I wasn't too far from home, so I was able to limp my way back in about 10 minutes... So I've got a pretty nasty limp at the moment, we'll see how it feels tomorrow, but I think it's pretty bad, I'll be off soccer for probably at least 2 or 3 weeks and not jogging for probably something like that as well... I'm so angry...

Oh a happier note, we popped up to Jack Astor's for the TFC pub crawl and got to meet Tyrone Marshall, what a nice guy! He was really friendly and took the time to chat with the kids, classy!

Back on Track!

So I got a good night's rest, woke up just after 7:00am this morning, got on the Wii Fit, and found that I was actually down from Saturday - hanging in at 174.4 - 174.5 on my Scale upstairs - so I'm all good... My few days "off" didn't result in any tangible gains, which is excellent news!

So I basically have about 7.5 lbs to lose in 4 weeks, challenging, sure, but not impossible... I've had a good day so far, planning to get out for a run now, it's a beautiful night...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Weekend Off

Well I fell of the wagon...

While I did get out for a decent run first thing Saturday morning, from there on in til Monday night I was most certainly not in the groove...

Perhaps I needed a little break, whatever, but it was beers and greasy food on Saturday, Sunday breakfast and then again Monday night after soccer.

I haven't been back on the scale, but I can bet that I'll be back up a bit, hopefully the damage isn't too bad - I'm planning to be in bed early tonight, get a full nights' rest then be up at 6:00am tomorrow and back into Wii Fit.

Hey, I'm human... as much as I'm motivated by my fitness goals, all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy.

We'll see how tomorrow's weigh-in goes and then decide whether I can still crank to 167 by Dec 13th, or if I figure I'll need another week or two.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Being a Vegetarian

I was just reading an article about Vegetarian food being boring, and now that I've been veggie (more or less) for almost 18 months I know my perception of it has changed a lot.  A few  years back I would have never imagined myself not eating meat...  I think that meat is such an integral part of people's diets that they tend to just eat it automatically, and have a tough time imagining meals without it, but now I rarely ever miss it - primarily when I go to restaurants with limited vegetarian options, but let me dump out the type of stuff I eat, and can you honestly tell me you couldn't happily survive on this:

Toast or Bagel w/ Cheddar Cheese, or Peanut Butter
Bananas / Apples
Orange Juice
Smoothies w/ Protein Powder
Tim Horton's Breakfast Sandwich (Egg & Cheese) on a Multi-Grain Bagel

Vegetarian Curries (Indian or Thai)
Chinese Stirfry w/ Bean Curd (aka Tofu)
Subway Veggie Delight - or Veggie Patty sub
Veggie Burger (Lick's, Burger King, Harvey's)
Bean Burrito
Salad or Veggie Wrap
Vegetarian Entres (Lot of variety) from Naturally Yours
Veggie Pizza Slice
Veggie Roti
Egg Salad Sandwich
Sandwiches w/ Veggie Meat
Veggie Street Dog

Pasta w/ Tomato Sauce
Garlic Bread w/ Cheese
Firm Tofu (Stir-Fried with Vegetables, in a Curry or even just cold)
Salads w/ Nuts & Seeds
Cheese & Potato Pierogies
Veggie Burgers (on the BBQ)
Veggie Dogs/Sausages (on the BBQ)
Macaroni & Cheese
Indian Veggie Curries w/ Rice (Palak Paneer, Channa Masala, etc)
Sides of Rice or Potatoes
Baked Beans on Toast (for any meal!)
Bean or Lentil Salad

Potato Chips
Cheese & Crackers
Tortilla Chips w/ Salsa and or Guacamole
Fresh Vegetables (Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Carrots, Celery, etc)
Dark Chocolate

I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of things, but the list above probably comprises at least 60-70% of my diet, lots of choices in there, lots of variety - I rarely struggle to find something that I like...

Feeling a little unmotivated

I have to say, just in the last day or so, feeling a little blah... Just couch potatoed the last few nights, didn't snack or anything, just didn't 'DO' anything... I'm up really early this morning, but feeling blah...

I think I'll put on Wii fit and just have some fun... I guess I'm hitting a typical mini-wall here, just need to get back to thinking about all of the reasons that I did want to get the weight off and keep hammering those in my head to bring the motivation back.

One comment that has stuck with me - I bought a new pair of running shoes, and after I got home I held them up and showed Jack and said, "I'm going to break 2 hours running in these shoes", referring to the next Half Marathon that I run...

That definitely made me feel good, and of course the shoes aren't going to be what makes the difference, it'll be me!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday Morning - 2 weeks in...

I'm feeling very good this morning.

I did my Wii Fit Test, and... Drumroll... I'm NORMAL (As opposed to Overweight). My BMI came in at 24.93, my weight 174.2

I definitely had a good weekend, got a lot of exercise and my good food choices.

I play indoor tonight, so I'm going to eat well tonight to make sure I have enough energy, I felt pretty weak last week which wasn't a nice feeling.

The good news is I'm far ahead of schedule now, so I probably can move to shooting for a simple 1-1.5 lb a week weight loss... I've now just got around 8 pounds to lose and almost 6 weeks to do it... I just really have to make sure I don't snack at night, don't go crazy on Friday and Saturday nights, and get cardio in 3 or 4 times a week and I'm laughing... Ha ha ha!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Saturday Morning - Post Halloween

Wii Fit told me I put on 0.7 of a lb yesterday... A perfect example of why you shouldn't get on the scale every day.

All in all I had a decent day yesterday. Had a 1/2 bagel with some cheese for breakfast, a very healthy lunch of salad, bean salad some potatos & sweet potatoes and a vegetable stir fry, and then a small piece of vegetarian lasagna for dinner. I had 2 beers last night and a few snacks, but barely ate any halloween candy at all.

Ah well, just means I need to have a super good day today. I want to get LOTS of exercise and make really good decisions about what I eat and lots of WATER.